Monday, December 13, 2010

SMS Server Tools

For those of us who are facinated about text messaging technologies, the best is yet to come.

This post is about the creation of a modem bank with SMS Server Tools.

Assuming one is able to compile SMS Server Tools, the sample configuration below will help you get started.

# Edited by Lord Kinful

devices = GSM1, GSM2, GSM3, GSM4
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed

MTN = /var/spool/sms/MTN

ZAIN = /var/spool/sms/ZAIN
VODAFONE = /var/spool/sms/VODAFONE

TIGO = /var/spool/sms/TIGO

MTN = 024,023,025

ZAIN = 026

TIGO = 027

device = /dev/ttyUSB0
incoming = yes

pin = 1111
queues = MTN
logfile = /var/log/smsd_mtn.log
loglevel = 7

device = /dev/ttyUSB2
incoming = yes
queues = VODAFONE
logfile = /var/log/smsd_vodaphone.log
loglevel = 7
#pin = 1111

device = /dev/ttyUSB1
incoming = yes
queues = ZAIN
logfile = /var/log/smsd_zain.log
loglevel = 7
#pin = 1111

device = /dev/ttyUSB3
incoming = yes
queues = TIGO
logfile = /var/log/smsd_tigo.log
loglevel = 7

#pin = 1111

The above configuration was created for a PC having four modems attached to it. However depending on the design of ones implementation, the configuration can be modified.

One needs to under stand certain key parameters in the configuration.

1. Devices : it specify the modems attached to the computer.

2. Queues:  these are spool directories for the modems attached.

3. Provider: it specifies the GSM provider being used by the modems attached.

The rest I believe are self explanatory. The queues and the provider goes hand in hand. When one wants to deliver an SMS through a particular modem based on the provider of the receiver, then the queues and provider needs to be used.

To those SMS Server Tools "Lovers" let me hear your thoughts.