Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Redhat Enterprise Linux Registration

Its good to be back! I cant remember the last time I wrote anything.

I am a fun of rpm based systems, fedora is my OS of choice. Recently the company i work for purchased a licensed copy of Redhat enterprise linux and my task was to install and ensure that, the latest patches and updates where applied.

The installation was normal if you have installed fedora before, however the update process has completely changed. The normal yum update command yielded no responses. A few googling around enlighten me thus the birth of this post.

Note the procedure below was tested on Redhat enterprise linux 6 and the registration process was command line.

First register you installation with Redhat. One needs to have a customer account with Redhat. It is acquired by purchasing the product from your nearest vendor.

1. subscription-manager register

The above command registers you installation after a correct user name and password have been supplied.

The Next step is to subscript to updates.

2. rhn_register

The above will pup up a wizard which will guide you through the installation. Again one needs to provide a valid user name and password.

Finally execute the update command.

3. yum update

That is all it takes to subscribe to redhat updates through the command line.

Note: one can start from step two and it will still work.
